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Iglesia de San Millán
Church of Saint Millán

Enclavada en el antiguo arrabal de la morería, barrio de artesanos de origen mozárabe, se construyó en torno a 1.120 en pleno reinado de Alfonso I de Aragón, por tanto, con ineludibles referencias al románico aragonés. Tiene hermosos capiteles y torre con arcos de herradura. Posee en su interior un bello artesonado mudéjar del S. XII, un crucifijo gótico del S. XIV y varias tallas interesantes más.

Church of Saint Millán

Found in the old suburb of the morería, a suburb of artisans of mozarab origin (Muslim visigoths), it was constructed around the 1120 during the reign of Alfons I of Aragon, therefore with marked references with aragon’s romanic style. It has beautiful capitols and a tower with horse shoe arches. It also possesses in its interior exquisite artisan work of Mudejar style of the 12th cent., a gothic Crucifix of the 14th cent., and several other interesting pieces.