
Este humilladero se creó en la Edad Media como hito de la romería de San Leonardo. La actual estructura se levantó en el siglo XVI, a las afueras de la ciudad, sobre el río Adaja y cerca de la ermita de San Segundo. La construcción es simple: se alza sobre un podium, con cuatro columnas dóricas que soportan un entablamiento adornado por escudos. En el interior, se levanta una sencilla cruz de granito.

Según cuenta la historia, aquí encontró Don Pedro a sus sobrinos Teresa y Rodrigo, cuando huían a tierra de moros buscando el martirio. Este lugar ofrece una de las mejores perspectivas de la ciudad.

Four Posts

As it is portrayed in the picture, it consists of four posts of the Dorian style united by a cornice with the city's coats of arms and a cross in its center.
Here festivities and other special occasions were celebrated, during which one of them the Moors used to sack the city.
It was also here where as children, Saint Theresa, her brother Rodrigo and their uncle often would meet to pray with the martyrs.
The place offers the best view of the city, and before we are ready to cross the river we find ourselves with "El Molino de la Losa" ("The Windmill of the Losa", which houses one of the best restaurants of Avila's fine cuisine.